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Artículo: Ferric Ferrocyanide (Prussian Blue)

Ferric Ferrocyanide (Prussian Blue)

Ferric Ferrocyanide (Prussian Blue)

Category: Pigment

Brief description: An inorganic pigment used in cosmetics, particularly in eye makeup.

Benefits: Provides a vibrant, deep blue color.

Skin type suitability/concerns: Suitable for all skin types. Rarely causes skin irritation.

Target audience: Any cosmetics user looking for products with vibrant blue pigment.

Chemical composition: Composed of iron and carbon bound to nitrogen (Fe7(CN)18·14H2O).

Physical aspect: Blue powder.

Compatibility: Compatible with most other cosmetic ingredients.

Concentration: Varies depending on the product, generally used in low concentrations.

Side effects/adverse reactions: Rarely cause irritation or other adverse reactions.

Regulatory status: Approved for use in cosmetics in the U.S., EU, and many other regions, but not allowed for use in lip products.

Sustainability/ethical considerations: Typically synthesized in a lab, reducing the environmental impact.

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Chromium Oxide Greens

Chromium Oxide Greens

Chromium Oxide Greens: Bright green pigment. Safe for cosmetics, not for lips.

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Carmine: Vivid red pigment from insects. Not vegan, potential allergen.

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