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Article: Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Oil

Category: Essential Oil, Fragrance, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial

Brief Description: Derived from the leaves of the rosemary plant. It's known for its distinctive aroma and potent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

Benefits: Provides antimicrobial benefits, can improve skin's overall complexion, and supports collagen production.

Skin Type Suitability/Concerns: Suitable for all skin types, but those with sensitive skin should use caution due to its potent nature.

Target Audience: Individuals with acne-prone skin, mature skin, or anyone seeking natural skincare ingredients.

Chemical Composition: Rich in rosmarinic acid, camphor, and 1,8-cineole.

Physical Aspect: A clear or pale yellow oil with a strong, herbaceous aroma.

Compatibility: Blends well with other oils and skincare ingredients, particularly other essential oils.

Concentration: Used in small amounts in skincare formulations due to its potency.

Side Effects/Adverse Reactions: Can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals. Should be avoided during pregnancy.

Regulatory Status: Generally recognized as safe for cosmetic use, but concentrations are often regulated due to its potency.

Sustainability/Ethical Considerations: Rosemary oil is renewable, and rosemary is a sustainable crop. However, sourcing and production practices can vary among suppliers.


  • Rosemary Essential Oil
  • Rosemary Oil Extract (a type of natural preservative)
  • Varieties based on the chemotype of the plant (which can affect the composition of the oil), such as Rosmarinus officinalis ct. cineole, Rosmarinus officinalis ct. verbenon, and Rosmarinus officinalis ct. camphor.


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