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Article: A New Perspective: The Strategy of Brand Repositioning

A New Perspective: The Strategy of Brand Repositioning

A New Perspective: The Strategy of Brand Repositioning

In a dynamic market, sometimes a brand needs a fresh perspective to keep up with evolving customer needs and preferences. Enter brand repositioning, the strategic process of changing a brand's image, identity, or positioning in relation to its competition.

For beginners, understanding brand repositioning might seem complex. A recommended reading would be "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind" by Al Ries and Jack Trout.

Beginner's Curriculum: Understanding Brand Repositioning

  1. Books: Start with "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. Follow it up with "Marketing Management" by Philip Kotler for comprehensive insights.
  2. Online Courses: "Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour" on Coursera provides a useful overview of brand repositioning.
  3. Articles: Websites like Investopedia and Marketing91 have informative articles on the process and benefits of brand repositioning.

A New Perspective: Navigating Brand Repositioning

  1. Understand the Need: Identify the reasons and potential benefits of repositioning your brand.
  2. Strategize the Change: Develop a strategy for your brand's new position, considering customer needs, competition, and market trends.
  3. Implement and Communicate: Roll out your repositioning strategy and communicate effectively to your audience.

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