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Article: Crafting Connections: The Role of Brand Associations

Crafting Connections: The Role of Brand Associations

Crafting Connections: The Role of Brand Associations

Think of your favorite brand. What comes to mind? Quality, innovation, or maybe a memorable ad? These are brand associations - any attribute or characteristic that connects customers to your brand.

For beginners, understanding brand associations might seem complex. A great place to start is "Building Strong Brands" by David A. Aaker.

Beginner's Curriculum: Unraveling Brand Associations

  1. Books: Start with "Building Strong Brands" by David A. Aaker and "Brand Sense: Sensory Secrets Behind the Stuff We Buy" by Martin Lindstrom.
  2. Online Courses: "Introduction to Branding" on Coursera provides insights on creating brand associations.
  3. Articles: Websites like Marketing Profs and Branding Strategy Insider offer valuable insights on brand associations.

Crafting Connections: The Essentials of Brand Associations

  1. Identify Desired Associations: Determine what attributes you want customers to associate with your brand.
  2. Build Associations Through Consistency: Consistently promote your brand attributes through all customer touchpoints.
  3. Monitor and Adjust Associations: Regularly assess and adjust your brand associations based on customer feedback and market changes.

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