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Article: Crafting the Brand Rulebook: Decoding Brand Guidelines

Crafting the Brand Rulebook: Decoding Brand Guidelines

Crafting the Brand Rulebook: Decoding Brand Guidelines

Why do Coca-Cola ads always use a specific shade of red, or why does Apple always use a minimalistic design? This consistency comes from brand guidelines, a set of rules that outline how a brand's identity should be communicated.

For beginners, creating brand guidelines can seem overwhelming. A good place to start is the book "Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team" by Alina Wheeler.

Beginner's Curriculum: Creating Your Brand Guidelines

  1. Books: Start with "Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team" by Alina Wheeler and "Logo Design Love" by David Airey.
  2. Online Courses: "Graphic Design Basics: Core Principles for Visual Design" on Skillshare can help you understand the foundations of creating brand guidelines.
  3. Articles: Websites like Canva and Smashing Magazine offer great guides on creating brand guidelines.

Crafting Your Brand Guidelines: The Rulebook of Your Brand

  1. Include Key Brand Elements: Your guidelines should define your logo, colors, typography, imagery, and voice.
  2. Provide Usage Instructions: Provide clear instructions on how to use each brand element.
  3. Ensure Consistency: Your guidelines should ensure brand consistency across all touchpoints.
  4. Update Regularly: As your brand evolves, so too should your brand guidelines.
  5. Educate Your Team: Make sure everyone in your organization understands and follows your brand guidelines.

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