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Article: Defining Excellence: The Art of Product Branding

Defining Excellence: The Art of Product Branding

Defining Excellence: The Art of Product Branding

Ever wonder why iPhones have such a loyal customer base, or why Coca-Cola is the go-to beverage for many? This is due to effective product branding, a marketing strategy that imbues products with unique qualities that differentiate them from competitors.

For beginners, product branding might seem a bit overwhelming. An excellent place to start is the book "Building a Big Small Business Brand" by Dan Antonelli.

Beginner's Curriculum: Mastering Product Branding

  1. Books: Start with "Building a Big Small Business Brand" by Dan Antonelli and "Kellogg on Branding: The Marketing Faculty of The Kellogg School of Management" by Alice M. Tybout and Tim Calkins.
  2. Online Courses: "Brand and Product Management" on Coursera covers key aspects of product branding.
  3. Articles: Websites like Entrepreneur and Branding Strategy Insider offer valuable insights on product branding.

Creating Distinctive Products: The Science of Product Branding

  1. Understand Your Target Market: Understanding your audience helps to shape your product's brand.
  2. Craft a Unique Selling Proposition (USP): A compelling USP differentiates your product.
  3. Deliver Consistent Branding Elements: Consistent logos, colors, and packaging reinforce brand recognition.
  4. Promote Your Product Brand: Leverage various marketing channels to promote your product brand.
  5. Gather Feedback and Refine: Continual refinement based on feedback enhances your product branding strategy.

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