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Article: Putting a Price Tag on Brands: The Complex World of Brand Valuation

Putting a Price Tag on Brands: The Complex World of Brand Valuation

Putting a Price Tag on Brands: The Complex World of Brand Valuation

What makes Apple worth over $2 trillion or Nike over $34 billion? This monetary worth is determined through brand valuation, the process of calculating the economic value of a brand.

For beginners, brand valuation can seem complex and abstract. A good starting point is the book "Brand Value and Valuation" by Mike Rocha.

Beginner's Curriculum: Understanding Brand Valuation

  1. Books: Start with "Brand Value and Valuation" by Mike Rocha
  2. Online Courses: "Brand Management: Building a strong brand" on Coursera offers a comprehensive look at brand valuation.
  3. Articles: Websites like Interbrand and Forbes provide insightful articles on brand valuation.

Navigating Brand Valuation: Assigning Value to Brands

  1. Understand Brand Valuation Methods: Familiarize yourself with methods like cost-based, market-based, and income-based approaches.
  2. Measure Brand Performance: Use metrics like brand equity and brand loyalty.
  3. Consider Market Factors: Keep an eye on market trends and competitor performance.
  4. Hire Experts: Brand valuation can be complex; consider hiring an expert.
  5. Use Brand Valuation Strategically: Use it to measure marketing effectiveness, negotiate licensing agreements, or during mergers and acquisitions.

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