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Article: Amyris Oil

Amyris Essential Oil: A clear to pale yellow liquid with a characteristic sweet, woody scent.

Amyris Oil

Category: Fragrance Ingredient, Essential Oil

Brief description: Amyris Oil is a natural essential oil derived from the Amyris balsamifera tree. It's often used in perfumery for its sweet, woody aroma. Prices vary but it's typically lower-cost compared to other essential oils (approximately $2-$4 per oz).

Benefits: Primarily used for its aromatic properties. It also has potential calming effects on the mind and can help enhance the mood.

Skin type suitability/concerns: Suitable for most skin types unless there's a specific allergy or sensitivity to it. Patch testing is recommended.

Target audience: Most commonly used in aromatherapy and natural perfumery, targeting individuals who prefer natural fragrances or those seeking relaxation benefits from essential oils.

Chemical composition: Contains sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpenols, including valerianol, beta-eudesmol, and gamma-eudesmol.

Physical aspect: A clear to pale yellow liquid with a characteristic sweet, woody scent.

Compatibility: Mixes well with other oils, especially those in the wood, citrus, and floral families.

Concentration: As it is a potent oil, it is usually used in small amounts (less than 2% of a formula).

Side effects/adverse reactions: Possible skin irritation or allergic reaction in sensitive individuals. Not recommended for ingestion.

Regulatory status: As an essential oil, it is generally recognized as safe by the FDA when used as intended. Restrictions may vary by country.

Sustainability/ethical considerations: Amyris balsamifera is not currently listed as a threatened species. However, sustainability can be impacted by extraction practices.

Variants: Synthetic versions are available, but they do not carry the same natural benefits or complex aroma profile.

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