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Article: Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) (glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid)

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) (glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid)

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) (glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid)

Category: Active ingredient

Brief description: AHAs are a group of water-soluble, naturally occurring acids that exfoliate the skin's surface, revealing fresher, smoother skin.

Benefits: Exfoliation, improvement of skin texture, reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promotion of cell turnover.

Skin type suitability/concerns: Suitable for most skin types, but higher concentrations may be irritating for sensitive skin.

Target audience: People looking to address uneven skin texture, signs of aging, or dullness.

Chemical composition: Water-soluble carboxylic acids, with varying molecular sizes and properties.

Physical aspect: Typically colorless liquids or crystals, depending on the specific AHA.

Compatibility: Compatible with most cosmetic ingredients; can be formulated with other exfoliating agents, such as BHAs, but may increase the potential for irritation.

Concentration: Typically used at concentrations of 5-10% in cosmetic formulations for over-the-counter products; higher concentrations may be used in professional treatments.

Side effects/adverse reactions: Potential for skin irritation, redness, or increased sun sensitivity; users should wear sunscreen when using AHA-containing products.

Regulatory status: Generally recognized as safe, but concentrations and pH levels are regulated in some regions.

Sustainability/ethical considerations: Can be derived from natural sources, such as fruit, milk, or sugar, or synthesized; no significant sustainability or ethical concerns.

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Active Ingredient

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