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Article: Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) (salicylic acid)

Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) (salicylic acid)

Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) (salicylic acid)

Category: Active ingredient

Brief description: Salicylic acid is a lipid-soluble BHA that exfoliates both the skin's surface and within the pores, making it particularly effective for acne-prone skin.

Benefits: Exfoliation, acne-fighting properties, unclogging of pores, and reduction of inflammation.

Skin type suitability/concerns: Suitable for oily and acne-prone skin; may be irritating for sensitive skin.

Target audience: People looking to address acne, blackheads, or clogged pores.

Chemical composition: Lipid-soluble carboxylic acid.

Physical aspect: White crystalline powder.

Compatibility: Compatible with most cosmetic ingredients; can be formulated with other exfoliating agents, such as AHAs, but may increase the potential for irritation.

Concentration: Typically used at concentrations of 0.5-2% in cosmetic formulations.

Side effects/adverse reactions: Potential for skin irritation, redness, or increased sun sensitivity; users should wear sunscreen when using BHA-containing products.

Regulatory status: Generally recognized as safe, but concentrations and pH levels are regulated in some regions.

Sustainability/ethical considerations: Can be derived from natural sources, such as willow bark, or synthesized; no significant sustainability or ethical concerns.